Tuesday 19 October 2010


The location of the music video is an important part as it must fit in with the genre of the song, while also help to represent the target audience, the band and the meaning of the song. The location must be somewhere where you expect to find the target audience, a place they were they hang out with their friends or some where they would visit. Seeing a certain group of people in a place where they do not fit nor where they would have no interest in going would sent mixed messages to the audience; although this could be part of the idea of the video to use people's views of one another and twisting them. The setting of the location must also go with the mood of the song; the mood and beat of We Can't Dance - I Don't Know is fast paced, while also upbeat and happy. This means that the location of the music video must use bright colours and lighting, while creating a positive vibe that is shown through the music video and felt by the audience.

The photos below are location shots of the streets that I could use for the middle verse of the song where the main character is running through the city to find the girl. The only trouble of using these locations would be the amount of traffic and people that would be going past and maybe disturbing the shoot. The buildings that are next to the streets are around 30 to 40 years old, holding that vintage 70's look that is similar to that of the target audience. The shots also show the conventional view into an old British city that is had compared to the modern view of London.

For the beginning of the music video I shall use Chapelfield Gardens as the location. I shall start by walking alongside the Chapelfield shopping mall before entering Chapelfield Gardens for the first verse and chorus. These are common locations in where the target audience use to hang out with their friends. With the location being a park with trees and flowers it has lots of brights colours that reflects the mood and vibe of the song. While Chapelfield is an iconic location in Norwich, with the gardens and shopping centre being very popular. Chapelfield Gardens has a band stand (shown in one of the pictures below) helping to promote music to unsigned and unknown bands. In the summer Chapelfield Gardens held a mini festival during the Lord Mayor's procession with unsigned bands, mainly who are based locally, playing. The Chapelfield mall is a relatively new to Norwich, giving a modern feel to Norwich and the music video.


  1. Well done for posting these stills of location shots but you need to relate the stills much more closely to the lyrics and genre of the music video. You need to also think about whether you are primarily targetting a Norwich based audience or a wider audience who would not recognise the location but would recognise a shopping mall as part of popular culture.
    To strengthen you need to utilise media terminology and root your points much more closely to genre and research into similar bands and their music videos.

  2. To continue from my last post look at Goodwin's theory of the construction of music videos and comment on how your planning relates to this theory. I've emailed you about this with theory attached.
