Tuesday 21 September 2010

Explain what Find Your Tribes implies about the concept of identity in today’s world

In today’s society being part in your own social group or ‘tribe’ is much more important to the lives of teenagers than 50 years ago. In which ever modern day school that you go into you will find at least four different groups of social groups, depending on the size of the school. This doesn’t mean that people from one group don’t talk to another or are not friends; socials groups are normally people who are close friends with mainly same beliefs and opinions on matters that concern a 21st century teenager. This is shown through the website www.findyourtribe.co.uk, yet in a more stereotypical way.

The Find Your Tribe website protrays different social groups and selects people's 'tribes' after they answer selected questions about themselves. With the answers that the user chooses, Find Your Tribe then selects a tribe for the user while also telling them their interests and beliefs. This shows that in today's society that if you like a certain genre of music for example you are stuck in one social group and everyone has a certain ideology about you that goes with the genre music that you like and the views people see of the members of that certain group. Find Your Tribe sums up the ideology's that many people have in today's society, and how these ideology's 'blind' us from what people are really like instead listening to the ideology's of other people.

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