Wednesday 29 September 2010

Structured Narrative for Music Video

After research we have decided to use inspiration from another music video for our own. The music video we used was for the song I Found Out by The Pigeon Detectives, using the idea of superheroes and the relationship between men and women. The superhero idea goes with the song title, You Don't Know, with people not knowing who is behind the mask, while also having a hidden meaning of finding out that someone you hold close isn't who you thought and 'not knowing' who they are.

The main narrative for the music video is a young male, who has just spilt up with his girlfriend, running across the city to try and find her and get back together with her. But when he gets there she is with someone else and completely ignores him.

There is the narrative structure for our music video:

  • Starts with a close up of a foot tapping to the beat of the intro. The costume of the character is of the ideology that is held of how indie kids look like, with the character wearing skinny jeans, plimsolls and a shirt. The shot is unfocused until music kicks in.
  • The camera scrolls up the body of the character, starting at his shoes up to the top of his shirt/neck. This shows the audience what he is wearing, creating a ideology of the character before he has even been seen.
  • The character starts to walk after the first lyric "You better run, they're coming for you." Close ups are used mainly, while location is of Chapelfield Gardens.
  • The character keeps looking at a picture of him and a female on his phone as he walks through a park. He opens up a contact on his phone, stares at it before going to press the call button and hesitating. Close up of phone and face are used in this shot.
  • At the end of the chorus the first time it is played, "I've got the solution, to end this thing." the character undoes shirt to reveal superhero costume. Close up of the buttons of the character's shirt being undone, then removed with the logo of a superhero visible.
  • The camera zooms out of the character to see the character in a full superhero costume.
  • The character then starts running across to the other side of the city.
  • During the last versus, the character catches up to the girl. Medium shot of the character slowing down.
  • A close up of the girl smiling, fooling the audience into believing it's a happy ending.
  • The girl is now in the arms of another man. Medium shot of both of them.
  • Long shot of all the characters with main character's face visible, shocked/upset look on face.
  • Medium shot of the main character, he is now wearing the clothes that he wore at the beginning of the video. Zooms/pans to show the new man wearing the superhero costume.
  • The new couple then walk off. Leaving the main character on his own as the song fades out.


  1. An improvement in commitment is evident in these posts. don't forget mugshots of the performers with explanations.

    Well done Jamie, keep up the good work. Great stills of Norwich and reflecting its traditional and contemporary appeal.

  2. Jamie is this the narrative structure of the music video you are shooting or planning you have abandoned. You need to make this cleare by using a heading i.e. the name of the band and the name of the single.

    Story boards and mug shots of your performers still need to be posted.

  3. For the first bullet point you need to explain that costume establishes genre rather than "the costume is of the ideology"....this is vague.
