Tuesday 4 January 2011


Video Camera

The use of the Cannon video camera was key to making the music video, without the camera no filming could of been done. All of the footage for the music video, apart from the photos for the top motion, was captured by the video camera.


A new tape cassette was required to record and store the footage onto. The need for a new tape was to avoid the troubles of the qualitly of the new footage being poor.


The tripod was used to stablise the camera while taking shots, while if needed the height and angle could be adjusted. The tripod was mainly used for long distance shots, although when the shot needed to be still it was used as well.

Stills Camera

The stills camera was used to take photos for location ideas around Norwich. The camera was also used for the stop motion that featured in the music during the chorus.

1 comment:

  1. You also need photographs of your performers and explain their suitability.
