Monday 7 March 2011

Research on Advertisement Posters

Many artists, especially those who are unsigned or fairly unknown, use advertisement posters to inform the public of their new EP and advertise their music to a wider audience. How advertisements are designed and used depends on the genre of the music and of the views of the target audience, with the band wanting to appeal to them with something that they like. For example when researching I found various adverts of different genres. The background colours and added images represent the genre, even though many are in conventional ways which may not represent how the band seen their music.

These adverts show the front image of the EP/album being used on the posters. This helps to make the viewer famliar with the album cover, making the viewer more likely to buy the album if they saw it in a shop on the highstreet. The adverts also have quotes, from critics reviewing the album in at the most ten words, or rating (Out of 5 stars or out of 10); these quotes are also positive if not no one would buy the album. These adverts are not only to advertise the band's new music, but to advertise the band themselves. The posters include the band's websites, the band's logo, and the record company's logo to help promote them as well. Some bands also set up album launch parties if they are a band that are still relatively unknown, using the party to gain more fans and spread their name.

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